Monday, June 22, 2015


Freedom is an amazing thing. I am so grateful to be free. With that said here is my Freedom rug. This one wasn't made with someone special in mind. I just liked the one fabric on the outside and wanted to see what it would look like in a rug. It was squares of red and blue and white. By adding the red and the blue colors to it. I feel it made a perfect freedom rug. Enjoy
Here is a closer look 
This rug has since found a new home. I sure hope it is enjoyed. I loved making this one. Hope you enjoy it as well.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Introducing the newest rug Salsa. This rug is 18X20. This rug will be raffled at a retreat in California. This retreat is for the spinners and weavers group.  Can't wait to see how much they like it. Hope they get some good money for there club.  They picked out the colors and I did the work. This rug was a lot of fun. It was super quick unlike some of the others I have done. This was my first one that I didn't put a border on it. Hope it's new owner enjoys it as much as I did making it.
This next picture is a bit closer so you can see it better.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


This weekend I was organizing my sewing room. Really excited about some of the changes I am making in here. It is long over do. Now things will be organized better. I am not being creative today. This is very sad. Was hoping I would be able to. But, The organization needed to be done. It will make me more efficient and hopefully things will be easier to find. So after this there will be an explosion of creations. Not sure if I will be able to post them for a while though. Cause like I said before I tend to make most things as gifts. So you will have to wait to see them complete till they have been given to the rightful owner. But today I will be posting pictures of my new storage shelves and the new storage stations. Oh what fun! Can't wait to share. This first photo is of the jar I found to display my ribbon and lace in. Jar from Walmart and tongue depressors to wind ribbon etc on to.

This next photo is my jar wall. Shelves on the top are from Ikea. Below are magnet knife holders also from Ikea. On the magnets are baby food jars. I collected those jars from a few ladies out here in the valley I live in. One of the cool things about this wall display is the jars on the shelves. These jars are compliments of my step dad Fred. He absolutely loves jelly and they used to make jelly all the time and canned it for later. Well they haven't done it in years. But they saved all these lovely jars. I love them. Each one has various fruit embossed on them. They are very old ones. New lids of course. I think they are my favorite thing about this wall. So now I have a place for all the different colored snaps, buttons, bells, beads etc. I think I like it. Places for everything.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Purple People Eater!!

Here is the latest project I just finished. I started this one before the twins. But, the twins shoved there way in the line up so I put this one on hold. The inspiration for this rug would have to be the purple walls in my laundry room. This rug contains various purple material. I was sorting the material I had into main colors. These were the ones I came up with. Purple is one of my favorite colors as well. So this one made me really happy to do. When you love the color it is so much easier to love the project. Hmm!! What to do next. My list of projects is endless. Guess I have to get the creative juices flowing and get busy.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Christmas 2014

This Christmas I couldn't think of what to do for gifts. So decided to look to pinterest for an inspiration. So this year for the ladies in my family I made. Re-usable paper towels. It was a lot of fun to make these. Wasn't sure how they would all take them. Some of us are into recycling and others are not. They went over pretty well. I was very pleased at how they turned out and have since made some from wash cloths for myself.

 Along my journey on pinterest. I found some very cute ideas for giving money as gift. I have two nieces I wasn't sure what to get them. So rather than buy them something they might not like or maybe couldn't use. I decided to give them cash. Who doesn't like cash. But, I wanted to have something for them to open. So I got creative with my cash. Thanks to the many ideas on pinterest.
The saying on this one came from pinterest. But the padding of the money was our idea. Pretty fun!! Yes, she was very thrilled with her creative money gift.

Here is the second one we did. Thanks to pinterest.
I think we just had way to much fun with these. And they were received very well.