Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Lady bug raceway!

Lady bug race way is what I have named this rug. This one was made for my mother-in-law. I made it for her birthday. The colors were chosen to go with some other nick nacks we gave her over the years. I called it lady bug race way because she had a dog she would call ladybug. She collects many lady bug items because of that. The dog has since passed away. But was a very special dog to her. So she collects many ladybug stuff because of that reason. One of the items we gave her was a tea cup set. The tea cups were yellow and of course the ladybugs were on it. This rugs colors were chosen to match that set. It got its name ladybug for the ladybugs she collects and the raceway came from the oval shape and stripes. This rug was very large to go in a laundry room. It measures 96x20. I hope you enjoy it.